Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 16 Work Party

The final 2010 work party will be Saturday, October 16. Please meet at the Kitsap Rhododendron Preserve/Kitsap Cabin parking lot off Seabeck Highway at 10:00 am. We'll provide pizza at 4:00 pm as a thank you for your efforts!

The purpose of the work party is to clean up immediate hazards to prepare for winter in the valley:
  • Winterize the Paschall house
  • Recycle/dispose of materials in the various buildings, including the caretakers house
  • Ivy girdling
  • Himalayan blackberry brushing and disposal
  • Burn pile cleanup
  • Sawzall metal tanks (propane, water, etc.) to prep for metals recycling

Please bring your favorite tools-- heavy work gloves, hand clippers, shovels, pick axes, hoes, loppers, etc. This time of year rain is always an option, so have rain gear and waterproof boots to work in. We'll provide drinking water and light snacks, but bring your lunch; we'll feed you but later in the day!

If you can provide any of these items, please contact Mindy Roberts ( right away): 4WD vehicle, small trailer for hauling trash and recycling up steep driveway, brush hog or heavy-duty mower, sawzall.

A huge thank you for those who helped at the July work party!