Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hidden Valley Photo Blog XII

When I visited the Valley in September it was more gold than green. 

The apple trees are weighted down with fruit 
 And the beavers are very busy. There were two new dams under construction on Wildcat Creek
This one made mostly of sticks and 

This one built primarily of rocks. 

I wish I knew more about beavers. As it is I have no idea if these dams are the work of the juveniles learning how to build dams or the work of adults intended to slow the water and protect the main dam. 

Speaking of the main dam, it continues to grow. 

The confluence of Lost (on left) and Wildcat Creeks (right) as they form Chico Creek.

The tangle of sticks on Lost Creek is just that, a tangle of sticks; no sign of beaver activity 

There is another beaver dam; this one on Chico Creek. Here is a an area near the dam that the beavers have clear cut. 

Until Next Time 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hidden Valley Photo Blog XI

Fall is definitely in the air in Hidden Valley. The ornamental maples that are still standing are showing more and more color and seeds abound everywhere. 
 Grass seeds

 Sorrel and grass seeds

Thistle down

Thistle heads

Wild Carrot


The beavers continue to work on the apple tree. 
And the dam continues to grow. 

The pool is as still as ever. 

Although most of the flowers have finished blooming there are still some blooms. Bright yellow tansy
 and warm purple oregano.

Until next time. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hidden Valley Photo Blog VII

Now that my laptop is back from the shop (finally) here it is Photo Blog VII out of order. This week, around July 29, is all about the dam and how hard the beavers are working.
The rest of the ornamental maple near the old caretaker's house are gone. 
This is the only part of those maples remaining on the bank. The rest has either been consumed or added to the dam. 

If you look closely you can see how much forage the beavers are storing up near their lodge. 

The dam continues to grow. 

I wonder what the salmon will make of this fish ladder when they come back to spawn in the fall. 

I'm sure the salmon will appreciate this still pool to rest in before they go on upstream to spawn. 
These two photos give you a sense of the beavers' ambition as they continue to work on this apple tree.  
The trunk has a circumference of 33 inches, almost 12 inches in diameter. 

The beavers have taken quite a chunk out of it already and show no signs of giving up. 

I like this beavers' eye view of the valley. 

There are still lots of blooms in the valley. Fireweed 

and pink roses are lovely. 

I leave you with this view across the valley. Until next time. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Photo Blog X

As Hidden Valley begins the transition to fall the paths through the grass are even more visible.

Work Continues on the apple tree.

Beavers aren't the only ones using the slides. If you look closely you can see the garter snake hurrying to escape my presence.

The dam continues to grow.

The water bugs appreciate all the beavers' hard work since it makes ideal places for them.

The beaver pond is still as glass.

Non-native bamboo grass and native stinging nettles grow along the water's edge

Even though more and more things are going to seed there are still plenty of blooms to be found,

Horse tail ferns continue to provide a fluffy green to the changing valley colors. 

Seeds are everywhere in the valley.  
Many kinds of grass seed and dandelion abound.

It looks as though the beavers may be adding a dam across Lost Creek. 

I leave you today with this charming photo of the shadows creeping over the valley. Until next time.