A previously unnoticed Tulip Tree,

Bright tulips,
Fluffy pink blossoms on a tree

Bluebells and strawberries
Bleeding hearts
And Forget-me-nots

Fisheries biologists are in the Valley studying the recovering Coho salmon run on both Lost and Wildcat Creeks. These smolt traps allow the biologists to count the smolt leaving the creeks.

Beavers remain active
Even though the last big rain wiped out their dams.

There was some question about whether we would need to replant along the banks but as the abundance of alder saplings proves Mother Nature is taking care of that for us.
There will be opportunities to visit Hidden Valley and the Rhododendron Preserve this summer. Visit our new Rhododendron Preserve website http://preserveoldgrowth.org/ to learn more about visiting this amazing ecological jewel.